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New Virtex-4 based FPGA Prototyping Engine Offers 3.7 Million ASIC Gates and Simplified Logic Partitioning

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October 10, 2005 - The DINI Group Introduces the DN8000K10PCI featuring Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGAs. This high-density board supports two LX family and one FX family Virtex-4 FPGA’s, with an incredible amount of FPGA to FPGA interconnect for easy logic partitioning. The LX series advanced FPGA’s are interconnected by LVDS differential pairs with 10X pin multiplexing to provide more than 1800 signals between FPGA’s, greatly simplifying the logic partitioning problem.

The board maybe hosted in a 32-bit or 64-bit PCI slot (33/66 MHz) or used “stand alone” with a separate power supply. An independent PCI controller, five separate programmable clock synthesizers, and massive on-board memory allow 100% of the FPGA gate resources are available for high speed logic emulation.

Now ASIC and FPGA designers can prototype logic designs in multiple FPGAs and take advantage of an unprecedented number of interconnects. “This board offers real advantages to ASIC developers with large numbers of gates,” says Mike DINI president of The DINI Group; “partitioning is going to get a lot easier.”

The DN8000k10PCI will be supplied with 1, 2 or 3 FPGAs in various sizes and speed ranges with prices start at only $8,100. They are available “off-the-shelf” directly from The DINI Group and its agents.

The DINI Group was established in 1995 as a consulting company. While developing ASICs for various clients they saw the need for cost effective logic emulation platforms and developed several of them. In 1998 they started selling these platforms to ASIC developers and FPGA system users. From their offices in La Jolla the dozen DINI Group employees have supplied over two billion ASIC gates.

Agency Contact: Rob Britton, Electronics Marketing Group

Company Contact: Mike Dini, President

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